CRZ Pricer Release 24.0.19

By | 18 September 2024


  • [Bug] VaR optimization through risk-explained could be wrong (return results based on risk-explained instead of true PV) when there are several computation sets (Measures Granularity != None)


  • [New] Callable deals now support exercise dates other than schedule dates. American options parsed from Bloomberg or ICE have a monthly exercise calendar
  • [New] In ‘bulk add bonds’ view, added support of extendible bonds from ICE data
  • [Bug] In ‘bulk add bonds’ view, various small fixes to support more cases to parse ICE bonds
  • [New] Added a view to contribute IR Vol Cube from OTM volatilities, including Bloomberg VCUB output
  • [New] Added support of MXN F-TIIE rate (MXNOIS in CRZ). Small changes to account for 28D period swaps
  • [New] In bond curves and bond adjustment contribution views, bonds can now be identified by ISIN, CUSIP or FIGI instead of just by name
  • [Bug] In Cap & Floor blotter, spot c&f vs OIS rate were wrong, the first period being removed by mistake (which is the correct convention for IBOR rates)
  • [Bug] Contribution of seasonality was wrong for Aussie style CPIs (AUCPI and NZCPI)

Versions 24.0.17 and 24.0.18 were patches.

Category: Modelling Pricing

About Franck Albert

X-Pont (1994 promotion), Franck Albert is a former exotic options trader for HSBC in Paris and BNP Paribas in London. From January 2009 to April 2016, he has been head of the quantitative fixed income risk team at BNP Paribas London, before joining CRZ Pricing as co-founder.

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