CRZ Pricer Version 24.0.15

By | 8 July 2024

Common [New] Added fields Category3 and Category4 in Deals CC [Bug] In option expiry report, future options appeared as physically settled IR [Bug] Bond TRS pricing could fail when calculating Theta [Bug] Callable bond required exotic model inputs in order to price at last exercise date with CallableBondMatureAtNextCall=true

CRZ Pricer Version 24.0.14

By | 13 June 2024

Common [New] In Flat Files, Quote Type is also supported for Bond repos [Bug] Fixed issue on portfolio filter [Bug] Filter on field Book behaved incorrectly with multiple allocation in drilldown views CC [New] Added scenario to bump convenience yield (or equivalently dividend or repo)

CRZ Pricer Release 24.0.13

By | 7 June 2024

Common [New] Flat File, added a QuoteType field for bonds, bond options and CDS indices [Bug] Add market data from files. One market data in error could cause other curves not to be contributed IR [Bug] Bond TRS price was wrong when first fixing date is in the past API [New] Bond price conversion methods… Read More »

CRZ Pricer Release 24.0.12

By | 24 May 2024

Common [New] Bond idiosyncratic adjustment is now available also for exotic bonds (determined thanks to Pricing Params > Adjust Securities) [New] Change of market structure (Save as market in Risk Representation) now also updates inherited markets [New] VaR optimization through risk-explained is now very reliable thanks to dynamic selection of worst scenarios  (used to be… Read More »

CRZ Pricer Version 24.0.10

By | 30 April 2024

Common [New] In pricing params, added an option to refine greeks (smaller bumps), set to true by default [New] Added ‘bulk add bonds’ view, allowing to create bonds from ICE data [New] In portfolio views added allocation filter to deal with trades with multiple allocation [Bug] In Realized P&L View, P&L of deal traded at… Read More »

CRZ Pricer Release 24.0.8

By | 19 April 2024

Common [New] Add market data from files: one can now append existing secondary tables CC [New] Cryptocurrencies are now supported in FRTB Capital measures [Bug] Future options supported only monthly tenors CR [New] Added calibration of Seniority recovery ratios in credit curve contribution view [New] Added calibration of Seniority recovery ratios from ICE DataX files… Read More »

CRZ Pricer Release 24.0.7

By | 10 April 2024

Common [New] Realized P&L can now be calculated between two different sets at the same date [Bug] Realized P&L display of PVs before and after each effect could be wrong, it is now optional [New] Added support of new SDR formats (using UPI FISN) Assets [New] Added a scenario to transform volatility surface into RR/BF… Read More »

CRZ Pricer Version 24.0.6

By | 20 March 2024

Common [New] Add market data from files: there is now an option to stop on parsing error IR/CR [New] Create (European) Bond Option mask. It supports all bonds as underlyings except exotic ones (callable or convertible) [New] European Bond Options are now supported in flat file [Bug] IMM0 Tenor could fail for non-standard IMMs (AUD,… Read More »

CRZ Pricer Release 24.0.4

By | 12 March 2024

Common [New] In Market Data Bulk Operations, added Data Points counter on market data CC [New] Added discount references corresponding to collateral being a non-remunerated cryptocurrency (e.g. BTC0). Futures and Future Options CSAs updated to use these discount references [New] Future adjustment can now be multiplicative [New] Added a scenario to convert future adjustment between… Read More »

CRZ Pricer Version 24.0.3

By | 1 March 2024

Common [New] Added ‘Check Market Data’ functionality in the Realized P&L view [New] Flat File/API: most identifiers are now case insensitive [Bug] Deal grouping/compression was flawed [Bug] InMemoryDataService was not working as expected when AutoRefreshMarketData = true Assets [New] Market data analysis view now support baskets and composite assets (when relevant) [New] Improved implied volatility… Read More »