CRZ Pricer Release 24.0.12

By | 24 May 2024


  • [New] Bond idiosyncratic adjustment is now available also for exotic bonds (determined thanks to Pricing Params > Adjust Securities)
  • [New] Change of market structure (Save as market in Risk Representation) now also updates inherited markets
  • [New] VaR optimization through risk-explained is now very reliable thanks to dynamic selection of worst scenarios  (used to be not reliable when scenarios with high gamma determined the VaR)
  • [Bug] Risk transformations params were not saved if corresponding view had not been calculated
  • [Bug] Pivot table filtered fields were incorrectly saved


  • [New] In ICE DataX market data files, added support of rating CDS curves and CDS proxy factors


  • [Bug] Yield Curve DiscreteUntil param could be applied incorrectly if there were invalid tenors in the curve


  • [New] In the In-Memory service, entities are now updated rather than replaced to guarantee their uniqueness
  • [Bug] A cryptographic method was not compatible with Linux
Category: Modelling Pricing

About Franck Albert

X-Pont (1994 promotion), Franck Albert is a former exotic options trader for HSBC in Paris and BNP Paribas in London. From January 2009 to April 2016, he has been head of the quantitative fixed income risk team at BNP Paribas London, before joining CRZ Pricing as co-founder.

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